For our 24AW collection, we took a journey into a documentary photography.
SK'n grove is a small, unkown, empty fishing village on the North Yorkshire coast on England. Documentary photographer Chris Killip the people from there from 1982 to 1984. I've always loved Killip's photography and I had been longing to visit the place he depicted. 40years later, SK'grove had stayed exactly the same.
Hidden from the main street, the coast seems to have stopped in time.Old fishing boats sit on land as if abandoned, seaweed lapping at the shore, a wide sandy beach and a rocky shore are divided in two by a breakwater. A cold wind is blowing.
Chris Killip got to know the place and its people , their personality and life. Acknowledging their existence and giving it context, he photographed them to keep and eternal record of their life. Devoid of judgement and without any interference, he portrays raw human beings and their daily life in a society marked by the brutality of post-industrialisation.
Killip developed a deep relationship with the people of SK'grove creating a zone of trust and comfort. This makes his work feels very modern. The people captured by Killip may not be beautiful but through his photography, he shares the warmth and vulnerability he witnessed. The honest sensitivity he reveals makes them deeply attractive.
Thinking about documentary photography , I realized I wanted to use the same approach for fashion. The garment as a zone of comfort with ourselves, envelopping, protecting, a safe space. Aiming a beauty that comes from rawness and honesty, just like Killip's photography. Revealing one's beauty rather than making them beautiful.
SK'grove はイギリスの北ヨークシャー海外にある、名も知れない、小さな漁村です。ここはドキュメンタリー写真家のChris Killip が1982−84年にわたってそこに住む人たちを撮っていた場所です。
ずっとChris Killipの写真が好きで、いつかここにいってみたいと思っていました。40年経った今もSK'groveは写真のままの空気でした。
Chris Killipがそこに通い、その空気と住人と顔馴染みになり、それぞれの性格と人生を知り、そうしてその人たちが永遠に生きるように、記憶として撮ったのがそれらの写真です。それぞれの人生に文脈を与えたい、と。そこには何の批評も干渉もなく、生の人間がいます。ある社会、脱工業化の暴力的な社会の終焉での日常の中の人たちでした。